Sunday 28 August 2016

Genetic Variation and Populations


  • Is the difference among individual in the composite of their genes or other DNA sequences.
  •  Genetic variation at the whole genetic variability can be qualified as the average percentage of loci that are heterogenous
  •  Considerable genetic variation can be also measured by the nucleotide variability.
  • Phenotypic variation does not result from genetic differences among individuals
  • Genetic variation provides raw material for evolution to occur


  • A population is a group of individuals of the same species that live in the same areas, and interbreed, producing fertile offspring
  • We can characterise a populations genetic make up by dead ironing it's gene pool
  • The gene pool consists if all the types of alleles that every locus in all members of the population
  • Population: is the smallest unit that can evolve.
  • Two ways to get a variety in a population: Mutation and Reproduction (in order to change the mutation)
  • Emergent Properties: are properties that are caused due to the arrangement and interaction of parts as the complexity increases.
  • Systems Biology: the exploration of a biological system by analysing the interaction among its parts.
  • Genetic Drift: random evolutionary change
  • Decrees in population size = genetic drift takeover
  • Increase in population size = very little genetic drift
  • Isolated Population: large population——> a small population of it breaks off 
  • Two types of effects: Bottles neck= when you have a large population and that larger population gets smaller and the Founder effect= one forming population makes up the forming population

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